GreenLight Consulting provides Information Technology services to individuals or firms in the design professions.

Kevin Losso is the principal of GreenLight.

Over more than a decade in Boston architecture firms, Kevin eventually became the IT manager for a firm of 60+ architects and planners. His unique perspective as both a designer and IT manager leads him to deliver solutions that go beyond the merely technical.

Kevin has been teaching in the Graduate M.Arch program at the Boston Architectural College since 2007. His work has included teaching numerous advanced design studios, thesis studio, and thesis advising.

Kevin moved to Boston to work for the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Commission, co-writing a ten-year, $427 million Capital Master plan for the Boston Public School's. He holds an MArch from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, where he was a graduate research assistant working on information technology in educational environments.

Kevin was raised in a family of master builders and craftsmen and worked in construction and in cabinet -making.